Increase in manufacturing capacity of MDF from 0.15 Mn to 2.0 Mn CBM in 2022 CAGR of over 15% Successfully passing through the challenges arise out of De-monetization, transformation to GST regime No major stress due to COVID-19.
Large capacity Plant with continuous technology updates Sustaining of high EBITDA margin and ROCE till recently Near end of imports as a result of high freight cost in spite of imports being made on duty free basis.
Start of export from India Rectification in BIS standards for plain boards and significant progress in pre laminated boards .
Recommendation and Imposition and anti-dumping duty/CV duty on import Creation of talent to support the operations Change in market perception of MDF and Particle boards including high end applications New range of boards to replace /substitute plywood and other products Entry of new Players in the market Large expansion plans in near future.