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CASCADING USE OF WOOD: Optimal Usage & Minimal Wastage

Use & throw only after you have used it the most!

Wood has been the oldest and widest most used source of energy and raw-material known to humankind. Unfortunately, in the past couple decades man has been found to be exploiting wood in various fields and industries and how!

In the recent years of a more awakened era, one finds the green activism to have picked up acceleration. The organizations, government, industries and people in general have been promoting the use of wood up to its maximum utility and meticulously.  

The Panel-wood furniture industry has been a major part of this movement and the members of the Association are endeavouring towards bringing forth a cascaded mindset in the entire industry at large.

Using wood more efficiently by using wood residues and recycled materials to extend total biomass availability within a given system. In simpler words, recycling and reusing the wood and the Agro-wood waste to utilize it in to making other value-added products.

It is understandable that not all wood can be reused and recycled to transform into high-quality products but constant efforts for the innovation of the latest technology are being made.

And together, with newer policies and regulated guidelines it is possible to establish a circular economy in all fields with re-using, recycling Agro-wood and Agro-wood waste. 


  • We live in a world where everything runs fast- New technologies, new products, new ideas! It’s a world of infinite resources, but that does not mean that present the economic model should not be changed to use, reuse and recycle one, if climate change is influenced by human behaviour shouldn’t we change our choices? We need to ask ourselves, what kind of world our future generations to enjoy? What is the ultimate renewable recyclable material? It stores carbon which is locked in twig of lifespan whether in prods or in products and at the end of its life energy can be recovered. It makes sense to substitute high carbon alternatives with wood, increasing wood demand, stimulate sustainable forest management and expansion. The wood panelling history plays a key role in extending the wood lifecycle, great use of by-products and recycling the wood panels extend carbon storage. By using processing residue as fuel, industries reduce its carbon footprints, through promoting circularity we would reduce atmospheric carbon and the burden on landfilling.

    We need to ask ourselves, what is the superior most recyclable and renewable material? The one that stores carbon locked in a twig of lifespan whether in prods or in products and at the end of its life; energy can be recovered.

    The wood panelling history plays a key role in extending the wood lifecycle, extensive use of by-products and recycling the wood panels with extended carbon storage. By using processing residue as fuel, industries can reduce its carbon footprints and by promoting such solidarity a significant reduction in atmospheric carbon can be witnessed including extinction of the burden on landfilling.

    The manufacturers of Panel Boards have adopted to a recycling discipline that enhances operational integrity, moderate production costs, reduces the need for waste disposal and reduces the carbon footprint. The Association of Indian Panel Board Manufacturers has made noteworthy investments in various initiatives that promote moderate wastage, encourage recycling and reuse.

    The innovative recycling techniques of the industry now turns elements of what was wasted/discarded in the manufacturing process, as well as waste wood in general, into high quality products.

    The Members of the Association dedicatedly ensure optimal use of wood-based materials in line with efficient utilisation of resources by using residues and recycled materials causing a remarkable shift in India towards sustainable industrial waste management.

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