Investing in The Sustainable Future:

  • The Association of Indian Panel Board Manufacturers endeavors to aid in building a structure around sustainability rounded by economic and environmental foundations. A sound investment in the use and furthering of modern tools, practices, methodologies, and standards will undoubtedly combat the environmental footprints of the industry. Moreover, constant efforts are being made in supplementing green conservation and a moderated resource consumption.

    A zero-harm vicinity for the environment is elemental for its conservation. By taking into account factors like the livelihood of farmers and augmenting plantations the Association is advocating farm forestry, water management, energy conservation, recycling, long term sustainability. These will strengthen the industry’s position in the reduction of carbon print. 


    The industry has already begun to take much bigger steps towards sustainability. Advances in formaldehyde-based resins have reduced emissions to almost naturally occurring wood. The new no-added formaldehyde technologies are being adopted and are being put in usage.

    We strive to create a sense of trust in designers, builders and consumers in the sustainability of panelboards that also embody the ability in them to call forth a bespoke element of subdued & calm facet identical to our natural habitat. 

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